Divorce/Sholom Bayis Mediation

Provide free mediation to assist couples dealing with marital conflict to minimize contention and work towards a peaceful resolution. If necessary, we have access to referral sources to locate appropriate therapists required for proper intervention. Our skilled mediators will also negotiate terms of temporary separation agreements and permanent divorce agreements. Once terms are agreed upon, we work with a variety of attorneys to draft and file the civil divorce as well as working with numerous Botei Din to arrange the giving of the Geht.

Our motto is Sholom Bayis or Sholom divorce, just do it peacefully. Minimizing contentious divorce through mediation as opposed to either Bais Din or court, saves much money, aggravation, time and most importantly the tremendous collateral damage to the children and the extended family.

Letters of Endorsement


Gedolei Yisroel that endorsed this Prenuptial Agreement

HaRav HaGaon Rav Shlomo Miller, shlita 

"I have seen the document of agreement that was written on behalf of Eli Goldbaum, shlita, a document to be used before [a couple] gets married. It is not inferior to other Teno’im which have long been customary to be written. Therefore, this document, which is called ‘Prenuptial Agreement,’ is valid according to the laws of the Torah, that the groom and bride sign before they marry one another." 

See the full text by clicking here



HaRav HaGaon Rav Moshe Sternbuch, shlita 

"I received what you sent me of what occurs when families separate in America and there are those that turn to the secular courts, heaven forbid. Besides for the prohibition to go to the secular courts which is “lifting up a hand against Toras Moshe,” it only brings to tremendous denigration. I add to the Rabonim in America to praise this document titled Prenuptial Agreement and it will assist to prevent going to secular courts in such circumstances. It appears to be a tremendous benefit." 

See the full text by clicking here


HaRav HaGaon Rav Rabbi Hillel David, shlita 

"I received the text of the document that you entitled ‘Prenuptial Agreement’ for groom and bride. I read it carefully and found nothing against halacha. On the contrary it can be of great benefit to maintain peace between couples when they separate, and a word to the wise is sufficient. I say to them, may your energies be strengthened!"

See the full text by clicking here


HaRav HaGaon Rav Yaakov E. Forchheimer, shlita 

"I saw the text of the document titled ‘Pre-nuptial Agreement’ that you want to publicize to our brothers, B'nei Yisrael, to help women who are separated from their husbands so that they not become an Agunah. I read the letters from Moreinu HaRav HaGaon Moreinu HaRav R’ Shlomo Eliyahu Miller, shlita, and from Moreinu HaRav HaGaon Moreinu HaRav R’ Hillel David, shlita, that this document is written in accordance with Halacha. I too read it and it found favor in my eyes." 

See the full text by clicking here


HaRav HaGaon Rav Noach Isaac Oelbaum, shlita 

"I saw the language of the document titled “Prenuptial Agreement” that the groom and bride sign before their marriage, that both sides accept upon themselves a specific Bais Din to address all issues of divorce. And this is a tremendous benefit to maintain peace between the couple in the time of separation and to minimize as much as possible the pain on their soul, the arguments, the loss of money and the waste of time. Therefore to my knowledge it is proper to publicize this project to the community, especially as many leading Rabonim already agreed to this.

See the full text by clicking here


HaRav HaGaon Rav Asher Hatchuel, shlita 

"After great study of the details and conditions, I come to agree with the other Gedolim and Poskei Yisroel that the Agreement is Kosher and acceptable in all Congregations. This agreement is exact as to what I heard mouth to mouth from the two Great Poskei Hador that Klal Yisroel rely upon, Maran Hagaon Harav Yosef Sholom Elyashiv ZT”L and Maran Hagaon Harav Ovadia Yosef ZT’L”

See the full text by clicking here


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Heskem Agreement Benefits

  1. The Gedolei Yisroel endorsed Prenuptial Agreement establishes a forum to address marital conflict for a Jewish family in a healthy environment under the guidelines of Halacha. The agreement is signed before the wedding but, according to HaRav Elyashav ztz”l, it should not be signed on the day of the wedding.
  2. When signing the Gedolei Yisroel endorsed Prenuptial Agreement a specific Bais Din is designated. If marital conflict arises, the designated Bais Din must, within two (2) weeks of request by either party, assess the viability of Shalom Bayis. Additionally, at the first session the Bais Din must address maintaining the financial viability of the household, thus minimizing the conflict that currently destroys any hope of Shalom Bayis.
  3. Currently, when marital conflict arises, the process of agreeing on a venue whether Bais Din, secular court or Zabla takes many months and oftentimes years. The pain and damage done during this time period would be eliminated.
  4. The Zabla option with all of its inherent conflict is waived.
  5. Protocols for the religious observance of any future children are specified in the Gedolei Yisroel endorsed Prenuptial Agreement to avoid potential conflict if one parent is no longer observant at the time marital difficulties arise.
  6. Toanim who appear before the Bais Din must follow proper and ethical etiquette or they will be barred from further appearances.
  7. The financial costs that arise due to non-compliance with the directives of the Bais Din including the fees and costs of toanim, lawyers, etc., can be awarded by the Bais Din and are enforceable in a secular court.
  8. The Gedolei Yisroel endorsed Prenuptial Agreement specifies mechanisms for choosing a replacement Bais Din if a situation warrants it.
  9. The agreement was established to greatly reduce the current lengthy timeframes of divorce proceedings. Many of the delay tactics are addressed and will undoubtedly minimize the time, pain and damage caused under current situations. 
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Gedolei Yisroel endorsed Prenuptial Agreement Highlights

Divorce is painful for all those involved. If a marriage deteriorates beyond repair the “Gedolei Yisroel endorsed Prenuptial Agreement between Chosson and Kallah” (the “Agreement”) provides a clearly defined path to streamline the divorce process, and reduce the parents’ and children’s pain and suffering. 

Some of the highlights of the Agreement are as follows:

  1. A specific Beth Din is designated to oversee the separation/divorce process (par. 1).
  2. Attorneys and toanim must follow Protocols for Professional Conduct before Beth Din (par. 2).
  3. Beth Din will determine whether Shalom Bayis (reconciliation between the husband and wife) is a viable option (par. 6).
  4. The parties agree to Protocols of Kosher Home and Sabbath Observance in Custody Matters (i.e., that their children will continue to be raised in a Kosher and Sabbath observant home (par. 8).
  5. Beth Din will replace, within 30 days, any dayan unable or unwilling to serve on its panel (par. 14).
  6. Beth Din will schedule the initial Beth Din session within approximately 2 weeks of request by either party (par. 15).
  7. Within its first session, Beth Din will set an interim payment amount as is necessary for the continuation of the household, and for the children to continue to attend yeshivos (par. 16).
  8. Beth Din may continue to hear testimony, consider evidence and arguments and arrive at temporary decisions in the absence of a defaulting party who refuses to appear before Beth Din (par. 19).
  9. Beth Din must record all proceedings at its sessions (par. 25).
  10. Beth Din’s award may not be appealed, but the award may be submitted to a court of law for enforcement (par. 27).
  11. Except for the Beth Din fees, which are split evenly among the parties, the defaulting party shall pay all fees necessary to enforce the rulings of Beth Din (par. 31).
  12. The parties agree not to resort to Heter Meah Rabonim, Heter Nisuin or Bitul kedushin if the wife is willing and able to accept a Get (par. 36).
  13. The proceedings should be finalized as quickly as possible: 6-8 months for non-custody cases; 1 year to 18 months for cases involving child custody (par. 42).

IMPORTANT NOTE: The Agreement is a legal document spelling out the rights and obligations of each party. The parties and their representatives should therefore read the Agreement carefully before signing.


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